Conroe Tiger Baseball

Baseball photos

2023 Season
Congratulations to the following players for being selected to the 2024 Conroe Baseball Program!

Tigers (5-5 in district play) head into final 6 games fighting for playoffs

New Team Blogs
Booster Club News
Join the Booster Club Today!
Any person who lives in the feeder zone of CHS or is a former player (or parent of a former player) in the program may join the Tiger Baseball Booster Club. The CTBBC wants to make sure parents of baseball alumni who have already given so much are welcome at all events the CTBBC is involved with. If you are interested in staying informed and in the loop, please respond to the email address below and one of our board members will reach out with details on how to get involved.
(In order to maintain voting integrity and allow for current parents to make decisions that affect their children, only full dues paying members, which is limited to current parents, will have voting rights in instances that require such.)
2023 Team Rosters
Class of 2023
Senior Player Profiles
Become a Booster Club Sponsor
If you or your company would like to help support the Conroe Tiger Baseball Program please reach out today. We have advertising opportunities available on the field and in the game day program. Email the link below for more info
(All donations and gifts-in-kind are tax deductible as the Conroe Tiger Baseball Booster Club is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.)
CHS Baseball Twitter Feed

Introducing the Conroe Baseball Future Tigers
Sign up your Future Tiger Baseball Player Today!
Join the FUN and be part of the inaugural season of the Future Tigers! Students in the Conroe feeder zone who join the Future Tigers will receive the following benefits:
Receive a Conroe Baseball Future Tigers t-shirt, which will give them free entry into any game.
For any Varsity Saturday game, stand with the team for the National anthem and run the bases after the game.
Autograph sessions with the Conroe Baseball Varsity team after Saturday games.
Saturday Game Schedule:
March 4th @1:30, March 18th @ 2:00, March 25th @2:00, April 15th @ 2:00, April 22nd @ 2:00

Come watch a game live at Ferrell Field in Conroe